Our Facilities
Pavillion Youth Café offers a variety of facilities. Aside from our main hall, we have a computer suite with 11 computers provided by Glasgow Kelvin College. there is a multi media suite for playing movies or computer games. There is a all purpose sports cage nearby for our young people to play a variety of sports. give us a phone on 0141 781 4525 to check for availability.
The building here at The Pavillion is all on one level, there are two sets of double doors at the front of the building both of which can be fully opened. Inside the front porch the lights have a movement sensor. All of the doors in the building are full size and the rooms can accommodate wheelchairs.
There is overhead lighting in each room, sometimes we have flashing disco lights, but these are reserved for events (please speak with team leads if this is a barrier). We sometimes play music, either radio through the tv or on small portable speakers, music is monitored by staff and is age appropriate (speak with team leads if this is a barrier). There is limited access to the kitchen for wheelchair users, we do however have access to portable tabletop stoves.
There is access to a wheelchair accessible toilet, which has changing facilities for babies/toddlers. There are two fire exits at the back of the building, both of which have a small step down to the path once you exit. There is a path around the building, it is paved and the paving stones have a slightly uneven surface, they are however laid evenly.
There are two gates outside, one at the front of the building and one at the back they both open fully and can be pinned back, they have locks but will be open when the sessions are on. We have decking in the garden, it is wooden and has two levels. There is a large step up to the first level, and a smaller step up to the second level, there is a railing around three sides of the decking and there will be handrails installed at the steps. We have a small car park beside the building, it has room for six cars with space in the middle. The car park gates are double wide and can be pinned back.

What to expect when you come in (Parents/Adult users)
When you arrive at the building you first go through the front gate or enter through the car park, then you go through the grey doors and enter the porch. Once inside you can ring the doorbell on the left to alert staff of your presence. You will then be asked to sign in using our visitor sign-in sheet located on the bar directly in front of the doors, in a pink folder. From here you can access the rest of the building.
What do you need when signing up a young person?
We have a participation form that must be filled out for all new members before they can attend the sessions. You can pick this up prior to the first session they will attend, or you can fill it out when you bring them along. Important things that we need to know are your name and contact info, the name and contact info (phone number) of an emergency contact and details of any medical conditions or allergies present. We check emergency contacts by making a short phone call, we will let them know everything is ok but you may want to let them know beforehand. It is also advisable that you bring along any medical devices your young person requires (ie inhaler, epipen etc) these can either be held by your young person or can be labeled and stored with our first aid kit. We must also advise that your young person should be able to administer these treatments by themselves.
What to expect when you come to one of our sessions (minis/juniors)
When you arrive at the building you first go through the front gate or enter through the car park, then you go through the grey doors and enter the porch. Once inside you can ring the doorbell on the left to alert staff of your presence. This is where you can say bye to whoever has brought you along. When you come through the main doors you will be greeted by one of the members of staff, who will sign you in and take your pay in money. After that you can hang up any coats or bags you have and then enter into the main space.